This repo is read-only and will be deprecated in v5+ in favor of monorepos. Post issues here. Happy coding! 🖥️💻
Custom column type for RevoGrid component based on duetds-date-picker library.
npm i @revolist/revogrid-column-date
- Import Select Column type;
- Specify table data;
- Per column specify column type;
- Register your column type;
// do import
import Plugin from "@revolist/revogrid-column-date";
const columns = [{ prop: 'name', columnType: 'date' }];
const rows = [{ name: '2020-08-24' }, { name: '2022-08-24' }];
// register column type
const columnTypes = { 'date': new Plugin() };
// apply data to grid per your framework approach
<revo-grid source={rows} columns={columns} columnTypes={columnTypes}/>