Welcome to the design feedback app. This is a simple feedback tool heavily inspired by redpen.io
An User create an account and can upload some images
Each image generates an unique link
Image owners can share their images through these links
Only registered users can see/comment on images
When an user comments, the image owner receives an email.
attention: the demo app is in portuguese-BR
Check the demo app
- ruby >= 2.1
- rails >= 4.1
- rmagick
- git clone git@github.com:rffaguiar/design-feedback-app.git
- cd design-feedback-app
- bundle install
- rake db:setup
- rails s
- go to localhost:3000
- Devise: for sign up & sign in
- kaminari: for pagination
- recaptcha: for contact form
- rmagick: for image manipulations like thumbnails and redimensions
Default: disabled
If you are going to use this on production, you can put your Google analytics stuff in app/assets/javascripts/ga.js. It's being added at the top of application.html.erb and singles.html.erb layouts. To enabled it, just insert your GA code on this file.
Default: disabled
Recaptcha is a better version of the famous captcha (and those annoying numbers and letters). With recaptcha the user just 'click', yes, just 'click' and it works. Probably magic. Recaptcha is used only in contact form
This admin panel is very basic. To have access to the admin panel (localhost:3000/admin), you should create an admin user using the rails console.
- Go to app root and run
rails c
Admin.create name: 'Admin Name', email: 'admin.email@gmail.com', password: 'notmybirthday', password_confirmation: 'notmybirthday'
- Run
just to check if everything is fine and the new admin is there - Go to localhost:3000/admin and log in
- Feedback form exists, but its hidden for a while
- E2E tests
- JS tests
Patterns from Subtle Patterns
Images from Gratisography