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James edited this page Jul 10, 2021 · 1 revision

Welcome to the Upgraded Screeps-Nooby-Guide wiki!

Currently being tested on a private server.

Current Roles

  • Builder - Builds Construction Sites, if there are no construction sites acts as upgrader, Spawned with StructureCreep.createCustomCreep(energy, roleName) built-in groups of three parts (WORK CARRY MOVE) will cap out at 48 parts Target number of builders stored in memory - Game.spawns[RoomSpawnName].memory.minCreeps.builder = minTarget
  • Claimer - Sole job to claim new room moves to new room claims controller and then dies when TTL expires, Spawned with StructureCreep.createClaimer(target) built with only two parts (CLAIM MOVE) accepts target room as an argument which it obtains target from memory location then deletes the target. Memory stored at Game.spawns[RoomSpawnName].memory.claimRoom = 'targetRoomName'
  • Harvester - Harvests energy from sources only, if there are no harvesters or lorries or miners a new harvester will be spawned to keep room alive, Spawned with StructureCreep.createCustomCreep(energy, roleName) built-in groups of three parts (WORK CARRY MOVE) will cap out at 48 parts Target number of harvesters stored in memory - Game.spawns[RoomSpawnName].memory.minCreeps.harvester = minTarget
  • LongDistanceHarvester - Goes to a target room to harvest energy and then returns to homeroom and fills up any required storage structures, Spawned when memory has an item Game.spawns[RoomSpawnName.memory.minLongDistanceHarvesters[roomName] = minTarget Spawned with StructureCreep.createLongDistanceHarvester(energy, numberOfWorkParts, home, target, sourceIndex) it will always have one MOVE part for each non-move part the number of work parts can be altered in code depending on how far the trip back and forth is to make it worthwhile, the rest of the energy will be used up between CARRY and MOVE parts, spawning in groups of four parts (WORK CARRY MOVE MOVE) it will cap out at 48 parts.
  • Lorry - Pickups up energy out of containers and distributes to the room (spawn, extensions, towers, storage) if it can not find a container it will use the room storage, If there are no harvesters or lorries but there is at least one miner a new two carry and one move lorry will be spawned as long as spawning this lorry will leave sufficient energy for a miner to be spawned if required for the next creep. Target number of lorries stored in memory - Game.spawns[RoomSpawnName].memory.minCreeps.lorry = minTarget Spawned with StructureCreep.createLorry(energy) built-in groups of two CARRY for each MOVE will cap out at 48 parts.
  • Miner - one job goto container next to the source and mine energy all energy will end up in the container it is sitting above, Spawned with StructureCreep.createMiner(sourceId) sourceId is the id of the source that it needs to harvest from it is built in fixed-size five WORK parts and one MOVE part. This is sufficient to completely exhaust the source before the source gets regenerated. (This can be afforded from controller level 2 and above and will harvest 10 energy/tick or 15k over its lifetime)
  • Repairer - repairs the structures excluding walls in the room, if nothing to repair it will take on the role as a builder, if no construction sites it will be an upgrader Spawned with StructureCreep.createCustomCreep(energy, roleName) built-in groups of three parts (WORK CARRY MOVE) will cap out at 48 parts Target number of repairers stored in memory - Game.spawns[RoomSpawnName].memory.minCreeps.repairer = minTarget
  • WallRepairer - repairs the walls in an increasingly larger loop to progressively increase the ratio of the wall hit points it will increase from 0.0001 to 1 (full health), Walls have a maxHit points of 300m (ramparts are 3m) these are two edge cases for repairing that make it difficult to just have one standard way to repair. In the rare cases that the WallRepairer has repaired all of the walls to max energy, it will run the builder role and then the upgrader role. Spawned with StructureCreep.createCustomCreep(energy, roleName) built-in groups of three parts (WORK CARRY MOVE) will cap out at 48 parts Target number of wallRepairers stored in memory - Game.spawns[RoomSpawnName].memory.minCreeps.wallrepairer = minTarget
  • Upgrader - Upgrades the room controller, Spawned with StructureCreep.createCustomCreep(energy, roleName) built-in groups of three parts (WORK CARRY MOVE) will cap out at 48 parts Target number of upgraders stored in memory - Game.spawns[RoomSpawnName].memory.minCreeps.upgrader = minTarget
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