Ansible Playbook to install and configure weblogic server & cluster configuration
All enviroment variables are defined in Variables.yml & passwords in password.yml and can be encrypted using ansible-vault.
Roles includes:
wls-install -- Installs JDK & Oracle 12c software.
domain-install -- creates domain
managedsrv-install -- creates managed server for application.
managedsrv2-install -- creates manged server 2 for application
domain2-install -- Connects to admin server creates a domain template and expands configuration of the domain to 2nd managedserver and create the domain on 2nd server.
cluster-config -- create cluster and add the managed servers to cluster. ( need to run this in offline mode)
** Note Need to restart the Weblogic server to get the cluster setup active.
Execute below command to create weblogic server.
-- ansible-playbook weblogic-bootstrap.yml --vault-password-file ~/.vault_pass.txt
After playbook is sucessfully completed you can access your weblogic server from http://localhost:7001/console.