Jobarcelona-spoonacular is used for discovering recipes from all over the world.
The repository is a frontend project which includes a web application for discovering recipes. This is achieved using a random generator and providing a search and filter system for making queries. Data is retrieved from the Spoonacular Food API.
This is a project created for a JOBarcelona hackathon. You can find more information in Hackathon section.
Use the package manager npm to install app dependencies.
npm install
Use the package manager npm to run project in local server in development mode.
npm run dev
Visit an app demo at website.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
The project is developed using:
- React for flexibility, developer experience and community support.
- Typescript for getting superior IntelliSense, code completion using JSX with React and decreasing the amount unexpected errors.