- Powered by Python, Django, and OpenCV.
- Some commands may differ depending on OS. Just google it.
- Install latest version of Python
- Install and active virtual environment directory
- Open cmd
- pip install virtualenv
- Choose destination: cd Desktop> virtualenv YourEnvironmentName
- cd YourEnvironmentName\Scripts>activate
- cd.. (exit from Scripts)
- Clone this GitHub repository into your local virtual environment directory (YourEnvironmentName)
- Go to project directory (GitHub repository) where 'manage.py' file exist
- Install all the requirements using previously opened cmd where the virtual environment was activated:
- pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run local server:
- python manage.py runserver
- API: (API takes any username for: /galib/)
- EAS Admin dashboard:
- Manual input:
- Single object: (takes any username for: /galib/)
- All objects:
- Go to project directory (GitHub repository) where 'manage.py' file exist
- Go to openCV_face_recognition directory
- Open cmd here
- Type and Hit Enter:
- python facerecognition.py
- status code 201 = Attendance created
- status code 200 = Attendance already exists
- status code 404 = ERROR