This CSV Editor is desktop application and used to edit the CSV files. This editor has a nice look and feel and supports editing 5 files at a time and has many cool features.
- Windows
- Mac (will come soon)
- Linux
- Installation on Windows/Mac or Linux platform.
- The editor has awesome look and feel.
- A very handy way to edit up to 5 CSV at a time.
- Multilingual support (now available in English and Dutch only)
- Shows the recently used files on home page
- Supports drag and drop of up-to 5 files on the editor.
- 2 Theme support.
Please give CSV-Editor a ⭐
Home Screen
Edit Screen
Upload Screen
Get In Touch
Many thanks to
- Maxime Gris for creating nice boilerplate for angular with electron
- ag-grid for providing the excel layout.
Pull requests are always welcome for the improvement of the application. Please share the feedback for mac and Linux platform views as I don't have those :)
Download latest installer here