- Login with your Username and select your chatroom.
- If you are alone in the chatroom, you can't send message.
- Wait for somebody else to come in the chatroom in order the chat.
- When a new user enters into the room, the server will broadcast the message of joining of the user to all other users in the Chatroom.
- It supports multi-persons group chat.
- This project uses websockets for real time bi directional data transfer.
- When a user closes the browser window or clicks on "Leave Chatroom" button, server will broadcast a message of leaving of that user to all the users present in the Chatroom.
- Download the code then extract
- Download Nodejs (https://nodejs.org/en/) and install. If already installed then ignore.
- Set the path of Nodejs (Path of 'bin' folder to be set as user environment variable).
- Open the terminal (or Use Ctrl + backtick character)
- Navigate to directory
cd .\Vartalap-chatApp-master
- Install all npm dependencies
npm install
- Start the server
npm start node
- Open two or more tabs in your browsers with address
and choose same Room to enjoy chatting.