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Style Guide: Static Pages

Katherine Simeon edited this page Apr 30, 2020 · 1 revision

The style guide outlines how to update the Leadership Team, Sponsors, and Info sections of the website.

Leadership Team

Information posted on the website for this section is contained in the file named In the development branch, this is located in content >> home. This file has two subsections: the current leadership team, then a second section for board alumni. For current board members, personnel are listed in alphabetical order by last name. For board alumni, members are listed in reverse chronological order (i.e., the most recent former board members are added to the top of the list).

Adding Board Member Bios

Solicit board bios and head shots from new board members. In the R-Ladies Chicago Google Drive, there is a folder labelled Website. Here, you will find a Google Doc labelled Board Bios. We ask all board members to add a brief bio and their photo to this document.

Head shots for board members are saved in the exec subdirectory under static >> img. For consistency, files all .jpg and are named by the first name of the board member. Head shots must be resized so that they are 2.6 inches in height. I typically do this by copying the photo into Powerpoint, resizing, and saving it as a new image from Powerpoint. The Pointpoint file where I do this is in the Website Google Drive folder, labelled as website_photos.pptx.

Any board member who needs their bio or head shot updated, should add an issue to the website's github repo.


Content for the Sponsors section of our website is contained in the file named In the development branch, this is located in content >> home. This posts a single .jpg file, located in static >> img. This file is generated by exporting a powerpoint slide, containing all sponsor logos, as an image. The Pointpoint file with the current sponsors' logos is in the Website Google Drive folder, labelled as website_photos.pptx.


The Info section contains relevant information about about our chapter (i.e., how to get more involved, become a sponsor, etc.). The board can add or remove sections as they see fit.

Content for this section is contained in the directory project under content in the development branch. Each tile in the info page is its own .md file. To add a new tile, copy one of these .md files and rename it accordingly.

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