Data + Code for ggplot2
workshop at the RLadies L.A. Meetup @ UCLA on Sunday, April 16th 2017
is a data visualization package for R- developed by Hadley Wickham
- inspired by Leland Wilkinson's "The Grammar of Graphics"
provides an organizing philosophy for building graphs – a structured approach to graphing- “The emphasis in
is reducing the amount of thinking time by making it easier to go from the plot in your brain to the plot on the page.” (Wickham, 2012)
- You can clone or download this repository by clicking on the green button above, "Clone or download." The code and files are in "ggplot2_Rladies"
- The Jupyter notebook (.ipynb extension) is a short tutorial and can be accessed online by clicking the link
- I recommend opening the .r code in RStudio and running the code while following along in the notebook
- “A Simple Introduction to the Graphing Philosophy of ggplot2” by Tom Hopper
- ggplot2 Cheat Sheet by RStudio
- ggplot2 Documentation by Hadley Wickham & Winston Chang
- Resources for Doing Data Journalism by Timo Grossenbacher
- Shapes and Line Types in R by Winston Chang