✓ vName = []
✓ vName = [1, 3, 5, 7, 9]
✓ vName = [1 + 2, a + b, 5 - 3 * 2, 7, b + 9]
✓ vName = ["Data Structures", "Programming Languages", "Operating Systems"]
✓ a = arr[3 + 2] + 5
X - arr[3] = arr[2] * 5
Note: This is not supported in the grammar we were asked to implement
✓ len(arrayName) # returns the number of elements of arrayName. This is a primary
✓ arrayName.push(test)
X arrayName.pop()
- We followed the grammer -> arrayName.pop(<test>) One MUST include an index to pop
✓ Calculate Fibonacci (impress FAANG recruiters / interviewers)
✓ Returns work
X Returns inside of if statments / for statements
- Doesn't throw ... just ignored
- We sent you an email about this early on in the grammar. Allowing this would allow return statements outside of functions
breaking the rules of the parser
Work Done - Pair Programming
The code is clean - and runs with 0 leaks# Python