Ivan Dryanovski
Copyright (C) 2013, City University of New York
CCNY Robotics Lab
The stack contains a tools for visual odometry and mapping using RGB-D cameras.
This code is at an experimental stage, and licensed under the GPLv3 license.
Create a directory where you want the package downloaded (ex. ~/ros
and make sure it's added to your$ROS_PACKAGE_PATH
If you don't have git installed, do so:
sudo apt-get install git-core
Download the stack from our repository:
git clone https://github.com/ccny-ros-pkg/ccny_rgbd_tools.git
Install any dependencies using rosdep.
rosdep install ccny_rgbd_tools
Alternatively, you can manually install the dependencies by
sudo apt-get install libsuitesparse-dev
Compile the stack:
rosmake ccny_rgbd_tools
If you get an error compiling ccny_g2o
, it might be because of an incompatible g2o
installation. Try removing libg2o
sudo apt-get remove ros-fuerte-libg2o
Connect your RGB-D camera and launch the Openni device. The openni_launch file will start the driver and the processing nodelets.
roslaunch ccny_openni_launch openni.launch
For best performace, consider using dynamic reconfigure
to change the sampling rate of
the rgbd_image_proc
nodelet. For example, setting it to to 0.5 will downsample the images by a factor of 2.
Next, launch the visual odometry:
roslaunch ccny_rgbd vo+mapping.launch
Finally, launch rviz.
rosrun rviz rviz
For convenience, you can load the ccny_rgbd/launch/rviz.cfg
There are many paramters - the first ones you can try changing are:
- resolution of the OpenNI camera, through
dynamic reconfigure
. QVGA is recommended, VGA is the default - in
: the number of features to detect in each image. Default is 150, higher numbers (try up to 500) might give more robust tracking)
If you use this system in your reasearch, please cite the following paper:
Ivan Dryanovski, Roberto G. Valenti, Jizhong Xiao. Fast Visual Odometry and Mapping from RGB-D Data. 2013 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA2013).
Coming soon:
Some videos: