Turn based pokemon-style battle using your friends.
Battlemates is an HTML5 game that uses Ember.js on the client side and node.js/express on the server side. I was recently exposed to the socket library, ZMQ, at work so I've become interested in working with sockets. I was led to socket.io and decided I really wanted to work on a project using this. Naturally, I decided to do something silly and decided I wanted to create a Pokemon-style game where your friends would be the 'pokemon'.
Since CS students at my school aren't required to have a senior project, I've decided I will make this my personal senior project. I plan to blow this game out of proportion and just try to apply as much as I have learned since I began my journey as a programmer. I should have a blog about this project up and running pretty soon
7/31/2015: THE CODE IS DISGUSTING. Things are broken. Everything is hard to read. The folder structure is bad. I have never worked on any web app that is not RESTful so I there is a lot wrong right now. In retrospect, I probably should've done a little more reading as opposed to just diving in, but I was really excited to get my project started. There is some major refactoring to be done before I can continue.