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Running Harbor locally

Follow along this blog to setup Harbor locally using Docker Desktop and Helm.

You can then navigate to https://core.harbor.domain/harbor to access the console. The default admin credentials are:

username: admin
password: Harbor12345

Configure Webhook & Vulnerability Scanning in Harbor


Vulnerability Scanning

  • Select the 'Configuration' section for the library project
  • Select "Automatically scan images on push" from Vulnerability scanning

Read more about how to setup Webhooks for projects here.

Running Rode locally

Build the Rode image:

git clone && cd rode
docker build -t rode .

If you're running the Kind cluster, use the kind load:

kind load docker-image rode

Deploy rode locally using Helm:

helm install rode helm/rode/. --set=image.repository=rode --set=image.tag=latest

Running Harbor Collector locally

Build the Harbor Collector:

git clone && cd charts
docker build -t rode-collector-harbor .

If you're running the Kind cluster, use the kind load:

kind load docker-image rode-collector-harbor

Deploy the Harbor Collector:

helm install rode-collector-harbor charts/rode-collector-harbor --set=image.repository=rode-collector-harbor --set=image.tag=latest

Watch the pod logs:

export POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods --namespace default -l "," -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}")
kubectl logs $POD_NAME

Pushing an image to Harbor

Heres an example of pushing the nginx image to the default library project:

docker pull nginx:stable-alpine
docker tag nginx:stable-alpine core.harbor.domain/library/nginx:stable-alpine
docker push core.harbor.domain/library/nginx:stable-alpine