This is a demonstration project of a production website developed using React.js to showcase my skills to potential employers.
Check out the deployed version of the website here:
To checkout the Admin panel with all it's features you can go to link and authentificate with any Google account:
- Fully responsive design
- Browse through different category pages
- Search for any items in the store
- Add items to the cart and modify their quantity
- Proceed to order details and send the order
- Authenticate and view your order status
- Admin panel with the following features:
- View orders that users have sent
- Mark orders as done or return orders to active state
- Real-time editing of items, banners, and promos on the website
- Real-time tracking of orders
To deploy the frontend side and run the webpack dev server, follow these steps:
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Navigate to the project folder and install dependencies:
cd delivery-website && npm install
- Start the webpack dev server:
npm run dev
To run and deploy the backend side and use its full functionality, you need to prepare and add the credentials of the Firebase project with prepared Firestore and Firebase Authentication with added Google and Email auth providers. Please contact me if you need help setting up the backend locally.
If you're an employer interested in hiring me as a React frontend developer, please contact me via email at
Thank you for taking the time to view my project!