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Rodrigo Prestes Machado edited this page Jun 14, 2017 · 9 revisions

Sound Chat environment

  • The Sound Chat is a JEE application running in Wildfly (10.1.0.Final) with MySQL (5.5) database over an Ubuntu Server (14.04 - trusty)

MySQL configuration in Wildfly

  • (1) Deploy an MySQL JDBC driver in the Wildfly (2) configure in your Wildfly control panel a MySQL Datasource (Non-XA) to access the database and use java:/SoundChatDS as JNDI Name.

Compilation, packaging and installation with Maven

  • To use the Sound Chat project, it`s necessary that you install Maven on your machine. In Ubuntu, and run the following command:

sudo apt-get install maven (note: use maven latest)

  • After install Maven, create the settings.xml in .m2 / directory file in your home or add ${maven.home}/conf/settings.xml (for more information, please, check, Maven Web Site). This file will contain deploy settings, so, modify the below sample of settings.xml file according your server configuration:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<settings xmlns="" 
                 <wildfly.username> your username </wildfly.username>
                 <wildfly.password> your password </wildfly.password>
                 <replace.url> your hostname </replace.url>
                 <replace.port> your port </replace.port>
  • Download the Sound Chat project:

git clone

  • Enter in pom.xml directory and run an Maven commad:

mvn compiler:compile resources:resources war:war wildfly:deploy

  • If you want to reinstall the application, use wildfly:redeploy

  • If you want, you can create a shell script in your Ubuntu server, for example:

git clone
cd soundchat
mvn compiler:compile resources:resources replacer:replace war:war wildfly:redeploy
cd ..
rm -Rf soundchat

Set a specific sound color to an user

The version 0.3.1 the Sound Chat has four sound colors: (1) no color, (2) delay, (3) wahwah and, (4) moog. When an user enter in the system he/she will receive an sound color in that order (1 to 4). However, there is a command to control the sound colors to an user on the fly.

To do that, just type SET_SOUND_COLOR_3 in the message box where 3 is the number of the sound color. The Sound Chat will not log this message on the message history, but, when the next user login the system will assign the color.

Sound Awareness Elements

Sound Awareness Elements