Chennai House Price Prediction
Problem Statement Real estate transactions are quite opaque sometimes and it may be difficult for a newbie to know the fair price of any given home. Thus, multiple real estate websites have the functionality to predict the prices of houses given different features regarding it. Such forecasting models will help buyers to identify a fair price for the home and also give insights to sellers as to how to build homes that fetch them more money. Chennai house sale price data is shared here and the participants are expected to build a sale price prediction model that will aid the customers to find a fair price for their homes and also help the sellers understand what factors are fetching more money for the houses?
Data The historical sale data is available here.
Minimum Requirements It is not sufficient to just fit a model - the model must be analysed to find the important factors that contribute towards the price. Also, it will be better to give a forecast range (range of permissible values) rather than a single estimate as it will help the customers to negotiate.