- 🚀 Creating projects of any complexity from scratch
- 💡 Bringing UI/UX ideas to life
- 💼 3 years of experience
🔽 More
- 🐥 Secretly a duck debugger
- 👔 Organized & standalone
- 🤓 Love to code
- 🌱 Constantly learning
- 📐 Prone to perfectionism
- 🎓 Higher educations
- ☕️ Coffee lover
- 🦄 Believes in unicorns (and clean code)
- 👾 Crafting applications, multi-page sites & landing pages
- ✅ Creating reliable & well-functioning interfaces
- 🏎 Writing modern & productive code
- 🎨 Creating semantic, cross-browser & pixel-perfect markup
- 💡 Always exploring new tools & technologies
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