This is the repository for the first project which for me is a banking app.
User Stories To Get To MVP (Minimum Viable Product)
As a user, I can:
- register a new user account with the system (must be secured with a password)
- login with my existing credentials
- create at least one account
- deposit funds into an account (use doubles, not ints)
- withdraw funds from an account (no overdrafting!)
- view the balance of my account(s) (all balance displays must be in proper currency format)
Suggested Bonus User Stories
As a user I can:
- view the transaction history for an account
- create multiple accounts per user (checking, savings, etc.)
- share a joint account with another user
- transfer money between accounts
Tech Stack
This project was created utilizing the following tech stack:
- Java 8
- Apache Maven
- PostgreSQL (hosted on Azure PostgreSQL Server)
- Git SCM (hosted on GitHub)
- Servlets