Arena game for AO the computer project
3 steps to start playing:
- aos> RockPaperScissorsArena = "u_duaUIyjq9Hze3NLN335-4DwxMdHM6mb_GHwoKyrGk" // registering game process id
- Send({ Target = RockPaperScissorsArena, Action = "Register" }) // register for a game
- Send({ Target = RockPaperScissorsArena, Action = "Choice", Choice = "paper|rock|scissors", Player = }) // make your choice and wait for others
Note: If you are hosting this game in your won process you have to "load" it and schedule cron job.
- aos> .load /path/to/file
- --cron 1-minute (this command will update game state very minute)