This repository is a record of personal notes and scripts that helps me being productive in my day to day job.
- Homebrew as package manager.
- Brew Packages
- jq(CLI Json Parser)
- watch(refreshes/re-executes the same commands. Say if you looking for creation of a new file in directory, change of logs etc.)
- htop(process manager similar to top)
- tree(shows the nested directory structures in CLI.)
- z(helps navigate to most frequently used directories. So no more remembering and re-typing
cd /abc/def/geh/dafuq
) - fortune | cowsay | lolcat for some quotes of the day and some fun.
- lf, git, neofetch, wine, winetricks, gcc, cmatrix, thefuck, fzf, coreutils, ncdu
- Beautify git diffs with diff-so-fancy
- Old value for core.pager (less -FMRiX). In case you need to revert.
- Brew Packages
- Xcode
xcode-select --install
- Enable Maximize functionality for windows on Mac.
- Sublime Text 3.
- Plugins
- Local History.(Have lost my un-saved work a couple of times. Its really annoying.)
- Pretty Json.
- Various Themes(like Solarized Dark etc.)
- How to use Macros in Sublime text?
- Plugins
- Iterm2 as the terminal.
- ZSH as the Shell.
brew install zsh
.- Oh-my-zsh for managing zsh configs. Github here.
- powerlevel10k theme.
- Customize Powerlevel10k
- Enable word jumps and word deletion, aka natural text selection
- iterm-> preferences-> profiles -> keys -> Left Option key to Esc+( Option + F= next word, Option+B = Last word, Option + backspace = delete last word.)
export ZSH="/Users/hsethi/.oh-my-zsh" ZSH_THEME="powerlevel10k/powerlevel10k" source /usr/local/share/zsh-syntax-highlighting/zsh-syntax-highlighting.zsh source /usr/local/share/zsh-autosuggestions/zsh-autosuggestions.zsh
- Could try Fish shell too. Try using Tmux?
- Aliases for frequently used github commands.
- f.lux for brightness control and yellow light @ night.
- Divvy as the windows manager on Mac.
- Alfred as replacement for mac's Spotlight for local search of files and things.
- Evernote as the note taking app. Could also try
- Google Docs for Work tracker and 1-1s.
- Database client can use?
- DBeaver(currently using.)
- Jetbrain's DataGrip.
- JetBrain's Goland(Go)
- IntelliJ(Java)
- Plugins
- Presentation Assistant
- saveActions(for auto-format and organize imports on save.)
- String Manipulations - For Efficient converting of strings b/w various forms/cases.
- Grep Console - Might help finding the needle in the haystack.
- Fix Option-f|b|d keywords to work transparently in Jetbrains terminal as iterm.
if [[ "$TERMINAL_EMULATOR" == "JetBrains-JediTerm" ]]; then bindkey "∫" backward-word # Option-b bindkey "ƒ" forward-word # Option-f bindkey "∂" delete-word # Option-d fi
- Enable Auto-Import Intellij to fix un-ambiguious imports and organize on the fly.
- Plugins
- API Testing
- Postman
- gRPC
- grpcurl
- grpcui
- stern
- Colorful logs for k8s.
- k9s
- A light weight frontend for K8s commands.
- vscode other projects.
- Using IntelliJ Idea keybindings in Vscode. UUID-To-Binary
uuid-to-binary() {
for uuid in "$@";
binary=$(echo "$uuid" | sed -e 's/-/ /g' | xxd -r -p | base64)
echo "UUID is : $uuid, base64 binary encoded : $binary"
binary-to-uuid() {
for binaryuuid in "$@";
uuid=$(echo "$binaryuuid" | base64 --decode | xxd -p | awk '{print substr($1,1,8) "-" substr($1,9,4) "-" substr($1,13,4) "-" substr($1,17,4) "-" substr($1,21) }' )
echo "BINARY UUID is : $binaryuuid, Decoded UUID: $uuid"
- Preferences amongst different apps, like IDE key bindings, fonts, color preferences etc?