Introducing some features
- [Added] password reminders (#62)
- [Added] activation mail resending (#62)
- [Added] action logging (#61)
- [Added] post and user flagging (#57)
- [Added] post scoring system (+1, 0, -1) (#58)
- [Added] [P] hotkey for selecting first post on the page
- [Added] doing stuff in post view no longer reloads the page (convenient for flash/youtube posts)
- [Changed] infobar shows stuff only if they are not equal to 0
- [Changed] featured image style
- [Fixed] mass tag not working
- [Added] PHP extensions safety checks
- [Added] introduced
; introduced reverse Markdown inTextHelper
- [Changed] .ini file structure
- [Changed] activation tokens moved to separate DB table that's shared with other tokens (#62)
- [Changed] refactored core and CLI scripts
- [Changed] refactored error/success messages
- [Fixed] no error was reported when trying to send empty comment
- [Fixed] Markdown triggered italics when _ occured in middle of sentence
- [Fixed] AbstractQueryBuilder had wrong file name (#59)
- [Fixed] foreign key in DB schema 🪲