Improvements and fixes
- Support Rails 6.1 [#193]
- Support Rails 6.0 [#178]
- Support Oracle Database 18c or higher [#196]
- case-insensitive table names and proc params [#185]
- Use OCI driver type for RUBY_ENGINE TruffleRuby [#190]
- Replace NativeException with Java::JavaSql::SQLException [#192]
- Fixnum and Bignum are deprecated in Ruby 2.4 [#191]
- Run CI with GitHub Actions [#198]
- CI against Rails 6.1 [#193]
- CI against Rails 6.0 [#178]
- CI against Ruby 3.0.2, 2.7.4 and 2.6.8 [#197]
- Exclude jruby-head with Rails main [#194]
- Exclude jruby-head with Rails main [#194]
- Bump RuboCop version to 0.81.0 [#186]
- Run RuboCop using GitHub Actions [#180, #182]
- Remove .codeclimate.yml [#181]
- Fallback to bundler 1.7.13 [#171]
- Terminate CI against Ruby 2.2.x [#172]
- Use Ubuntu Xenial at Travis CI [#176]