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Example generating Grafana Dashboards as Code using Grafonnet

What is Grafonnet

Grafonnet is a jsonnet library for generating Grafana dashboards as code.

Jsonnet and Libsonnet

Jsonnet is a data templating language that is designed to organize and simplify complex json data. Jsonnet allows for functions, variables, conditionals and other programming constructs which are not present in standard json.

Libsonnet files serve as libraries or modules within the jsonnet ecosystem. They are essentially Jsonnet files but are intended to be imported and reused across various other Jsonnet files.

The purposes of libsonnet files include:

  • Modularity
  • Organization
  • Maintainability


  • g.libsonnet: imports the grafonnet library.
  • panels.libsonnet: defines the panels in our dashboard.
  • queries.libsonnet: defines the queries within our panels.
  • variables.libsonnet: defines the dashboard variables.
  • main.jsonnet: the main jsonnet that brings everything together.
  • jsonnetfile.json: the file that defines our dependencies.


If you already have Go installed, you can skip this step

Run a Go environment using docker:

Run a go 1.18 environment using a docker container:

docker run -it golang:1.18-alpine sh
apk add gcc musl-dev jsonnet git vim

Install the jsonnet-builder:

go install -a

Since this repository already have the jsonnetfile.json present, you can skip this step, but if you wanted to initialize a new directory from scratch you can follow the next steps:

(Optional) jsonnet-build initialize steps:

In the directory where you want to initialize the jsonnetfile:

mkdir workspace && cd workspace

You can then initialize the jsonnetfile:

jb init

Which will create a jsonnetfile.json:

  "version": 1,
  "dependencies": [],
  "legacyImports": true

To add dependencies to your jsonnetfile:

jb install

After your dependencies have been defined you can install them by running:

jb install

To define a very basic dashboard, create a dashboard.jsonnet:

local grafana = import 'grafonnet-latest/main.libsonnet';
    title='Slim Dashboard'

Download the dependencies with jsonnet-builder:

jb install

Compile the dashboards by specifying the path to additional library search directory -J the main jsonnet file and the output of where we want to generate the compiled json file:

jsonnet -J ./vendor main.jsonnet -o target/output.json

When we inspect the target/output.json we can see that the dashboard json was generated and we can now import it into Grafana.


Grafana Stack

If you want to test this out you can use my Grafana repository to run grafana and prometheus on docker:

Grafana Stack Setup on Docker:

Boot the grafana stack

Clone the source:

git clone
cd docker-monitoring-stack-gpnc

Start the containers:

make up

Grafana will be available on http://localhost:3000 with no credentials.

Create a Service Account

The steps can be found from the Grafana Service Accounts Documentation:

but in short, create the service account:

  • On Grafana select "Administration" on the left side.
  • Select "Service Accounts".
  • Select "Add service account".
  • Set a "Display name".
  • Click create.

Add a token to the service account:

  • Select the "Administration" on the left side.
  • Select "Service Accounts".
  • Select the service account where we want to associate the token.
  • Select "Add service account token".
  • Enter the name for the token.
  • Click "Generate token" and save this token somewhere safe.

Assign a role to the service account:

  • On Grafana select "Administration" on the left side.
  • Select "Service Accounts".
  • Select the service account to which you want to assign a role.
  • Assign a role using the role picker, in my case im using admin for demonstration.

Test the token, in my case I've assigned it to a variable TOKEN:

curl -s -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" -XGET http://localhost:3000/api/access-control/user/permissions | jq -r '."dashboards:create"'



Create the Dashboard via API

Grafana Dashboard API Documentation:

We will create a dashboard from the json that we created in target/output.json.

First we need to add the dashboard json under the dashboard key and enable overwrites:

payload="{\"dashboard\": $(jq . target/output.json), \"overwrite\": true}"

The we can create the dashboard using an API call:

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \
     -XPOST http://localhost:3000/api/dashboards/db -d "${payload}"



More Examples



Example generating Grafana Dashboards as Code using Grafonnet







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