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Botling Setup on Heroku

Sarah Adams edited this page Sep 20, 2013 · 5 revisions

1. Signing up for a Heroku account

If you don't already have one, you'll need to set up a Heroku account. Signup Page. You'll also need the Heroku Toolbelt for command line Heroku use. Finally, log into Heroku via Terminal (or whatever shell you use) with heroku login. This will prompt you for your Heroku credentials. Note that when you type your password, no text will appear.

2. Clone the Botling Repo

To clone Botling into your current working directory, run git clone

3. Creating the App on Heroku

Heroku does not have native support for Go. We use a custom buildpack instead: heroku create -b

Next you'll want to run git push heroku master to get the code up Heroku.

4. Set your App to use the Worker Dyno

  • If you're not already logged in to Heroku, sign in here.
  • Visit your dashboard and find your Botling app in your list of applications and click.
  • Check the checkbox labeled "worker".
  • Go back to your shell and restart the app: heroku restart from within your Botling directory.

OK! You're all set up.

Some Handy Heroku Commands

  • heroku restart - if Botling ever crashes (disappears from your Hipchat room), restarting the app will bring him back.
  • heroku logs - if Botling crashes and you want to know why, check out the logs and please, PLEASE file an issue! Botling Issues