oc new-build java:openjdk-11-el7~https://gitlab.com/rhi-demo/salesforce-webhook-ingestor.git
optionally, you may use incremental builds to make your future builds faster:
oc patch bc/salesforce-webhook-ingestor -p '{"spec":{ "strategy":{ "sourceStrategy":{ "incremental": true } } }}'
Variable | Example Value | Definition |
31345254523huiunexabyxvaxajijiaxaex |
The Connected App Consumer Key |
31345254523huiunexabyxvaxajijiaxaex |
The Connected App Consumer Secret |
user used to log in the Salesforce instance |
passswordToken |
Salesforce instance user’s password + security token. If you don’t have a security token you may generate a new one by resetting it. |
Your Dev instance created |
true |
Jolokia doesn’t work with Quarkus |
oc create secret generic salesforce-secret --from-literal=SF_CLIENT_ID= --from-literal=SF_CLIENT_SECRET= --from-literal=SF_USERNAME= --from-literal=SF_PASSWORD= --from-literal=SF_INSTANCE=
To work with Salesforce you need to apply some configurations first. Here are the steps needed to connect to Salesforce successfully.
In order to authenticate the application, an application must be created in Salesforce. Go to Setup → App Manager → New Connected App to create the new Application. You must enable oauth settings to have access to the SF_CLIENT_ID and SF_CLIENT_SECRET.
After creating the the connected app you need to allow self-authorization for this app. Go to Setup → Apps → Connected Apps → Managed Connected Apps → edit your app. Set the Permitted Users to All user may self-authorize.
An Apex Trigger will generate a webhook to the 3scale endpoint every time an Opportunity is altered, but first we need to add an Apex Class to allow us to create webhooks. Go to Setup → Custom Code → Apex Classes and add a new class like this:
public class Webhook implements HttpCalloutMock { public static HttpRequest request; public static HttpResponse response; public HTTPResponse respond(HTTPRequest req) { request = req; response = new HttpResponse(); response.setStatusCode(200); return response; } public static String jsonContent(List<Object> triggerNew, List<Object> triggerOld) { String newObjects = '[]'; if (triggerNew != null) { newObjects = JSON.serialize(triggerNew); } String oldObjects = '[]'; if (triggerOld != null) { oldObjects = JSON.serialize(triggerOld); } String userId = JSON.serialize(UserInfo.getUserId()); String content = '{"new": ' + newObjects + ', "old": ' + oldObjects + ', "userId": ' + userId + '}'; return content; } @future(callout=true) public static void callout(String url, String content) { if (Test.isRunningTest()) { Test.setMock(HttpCalloutMock.class, new Webhook()); } Http h = new Http(); HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest(); req.setEndpoint(url); req.setMethod('POST'); req.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); req.setBody(content); h.send(req); } }
Now you can create the trigger. Go to Setup → Object Manger → Opportunity → Triggers → New. You may use the following as a template:
Trigger rhi_demo_opportunity on Opportunity (after insert,after update,after delete,after undelete) { String url = '$3SCALE_PROJECT_URL?user_key=1234567890'; String content = Webhook.jsonContent(Trigger.new, Trigger.old); Webhook.callout(url, content); }
The $3SCALE_PROJECT_URL will look like: https://salesforce-webhook-ingestor-product-3scale-apicast-staging.apps.domain/opportunities.
Do not forget the /opportunities