Repo provides automation to test/demo interesting connectivity(service mesh e.t.c) and other tools.Repo contains multiple use cases to test in the use case folder in this repo. Each use case has the automation and steps to accomplish it's demo/test.
- oc client >= 4.8
- Openshift Policy Generator Kustomize Plugin
kustomize build ./operators/openshift-gitops/base --enable-alpha-plugins | oc apply -f -
kustomize build ./operators/elasticsearch/base --enable-alpha-plugins | oc apply -f -
kustomize build ./operators/jaeger/base --enable-alpha-plugins | oc apply -f -
kustomize build ./operators/kiali/base --enable-alpha-plugins | oc apply -f -
kustomize build ./operators/openshift-virtualization/base --enable-alpha-plugins | oc apply -f -
kustomize build ./operators/servicemesh/base --enable-alpha-plugins | oc apply -f -
Install the Traffic Image Build. Container Image is used to generate traffic for servicemesh use cases
kustomize build ./traffic-image-build/base --enable-alpha-plugins | oc apply -f -
oc label namespace openshift-cnv
oc label namespace istio-system
1 Steps in ./use-cases/smesh-with-vms/README