The objective of this project was to implement a Sanitizer Robot to autonomously map, localize, navigate, and disinfect unknown environments with UV lamps for corona virus inactivation.
The project included 4 stages as depicted below:
The project utilizes the ROS2 package explore_lite for autonomous mapping of the environment.
The package requires the following to run successfully:
- ROS2 Humble
- Big House simulation Environment The package was developed on Ubuntu 22.04
In order to build the package, put the explore and amr_project folders into your ROS2 workspace and build using the following commands:
colcon build --packages-select explore_lite
colcon build --packages-select amr_project
And then install by using:
. install/setup.bash
The Big House simulation environment can be launched by using:
ros2 launch turtlebot3_gazebo
The autonomous mapping can be done by running the following commands in three different terminals:
- Launch Gazebo in the first terminals:
ros2 launch turtlebot3_gazebo
- Launch RVIZ2 in order to visualize the mapping the process and to launch the NAV2 stack:
Make sure that the params_file argument contains the correct path to the parameters file while launching.
ros2 launch turtlebot3_navigation2 use_sim_time:=True params_file:=/$HOME/dev_ws/src/amr_project/config/nav2_params.yaml slam:=True
- Launch the explore lite package in order to start the mapping:
ros2 launch explore_lite
In order to visualize the frontiers, go to RVIZ, then click on MarkerArray, select topic: /explore/frontiers
This task allows the robot to localize autonomously by using the /global_localization topic.
- Launch the bighouse environment in the first terminal:
ros2 launch turtlebot3_gazebo
- Launch RVIZ and NAV2 stack in a separate terminal:
Ensure that the path for params_file and map are consistent with the location of the package and configuration files.
ros2 launch turtlebot3_navigation2 use_sim_time:=True map:=$HOME/dev_ws/src/amr_project/maps/bighousemap.yaml params_file:=/$HOME/dev_ws/src/amr_project/config/nav2_params.yaml
- In a separate terminal, launch the localization and navigation nodes:
ros2 launch amr_project
The goal of this task is to allow the robot to sanitize the environment by spreading UV radiation.
- Launch the bighouse environment:
ros2 launch turtlebot3_gazebo
- Launch RVIZ and NAV2 stack in a separate terminal:
Ensure that the path for params_file and map are consistent with the location of the package and configuration files.
ros2 launch turtlebot3_navigation2 use_sim_time:=True map:=$HOME/dev_ws/src/amr_project/maps/bighousemap.yaml params_file:=/$HOME/dev_ws/src/amr_project/config/nav2_params.yaml
- Start the sanitization node by running the following command in a separate terminal:
ros2 launch amr_project
In order to visualize the sanitized areas, go to RVIZ, then click on Map, select topic: /energy_map