An App for the city government to connect with city residents and enable a means to distribute accurate and most current information about a health crisis such as COVID-19. This application can be taken by any city and customized easily.
The App is not intended to duplicate all content on the city website. Its main purpose is to provide real-time notifications that are possible through an app downloaded on a mobile phone. There are many use cases for such an app as highlighted below, but the main focus is community support in times of a health and safety crisis.
I used Flutter, an app SDK (Software Development Kit), to build the app. The programming language used in Flutter SDK is Dart, so I learned Dart just for this project. Most of my code is written in Dart: the only files that are not in Dart are packages that Flutter automatically installs. Flutter also provides templates for features such as tables and icons. This app works on both iOS and Android phones. I used Firebase, created by Google, for authentication and storing information.