To run the program, you must have python3.
Simply clone or download the repository and cd into the root directory. Then type:
python3 <num_hands> <opponent_type>
Opponent types include:
- HumanPlayer: instructions will be printed and take responses from the command line.
- QLearningPlayer: makes q-learning players play against itself.
- RandomPlayer: randomly chooses an action from the list of legal actions.
- TightPlayer: a player that heuristically bets conservatively.
- AggressivePlayer: a player that heuristically bets aggressively.
The weights that the q-learning agent are pickled and stored in /learning_data/q_learning_weights_*.p
where *
changes depending on what type of opponent the computer is playing against.
To see what these weights are, you can simply run python3 from the root directory and type:
>>> import pickle
>>> weights = pickle.load(open("learning_data/q_learning_weights_*.p", "rb"))