An ecommerce classifieds web application developed in MERN Stack. This app is deployed at
This app has the following features:
- User can post classifieds ads for his
. - User can see classifieds for
and get the selling user details
- React.js for Frontend
- Node.js and Express.js for Backend
- MonogDB for Database
- Tailwind CSS for frontend UI
Credentials for testing
email :
password : admin
├── <- The top-level README for developers using this project.
├── ecomm-frontend
│ ├── package.json <- Containing the required node modules start up scripts etc
│ ├── postcss.config.js <- Tailwind css file
│ ├── tailwind.config.js <- Tailwind css file
│ ├── public
│ └── src
│ ├── App.js <- React App
│ ├── index.js <- React App startup
│ ├── pages <- Folder for pages
│ └── components <- Folder for react components
└── backend
├── node_modules <- Folder containg node modules
├── uplaods <- Folder for storing user image uploads from the app
├── .env <- MongoDB connection string
├── app.js <- Main Express app containing all the api routes
├── auth.js <- Middleware to check if user is authenticated
├── index.js <- startup js file intializing the app and the port
├── package.json <- Containing the required node modules start up scripts etc
└── db
├── dbConncet.js <- Connect to MongoDB
├── lisitingModel.js <- Schema Model for classifieds lisitng
└── userModel.js <- Schema Model for User