- Add JitPack in settings.gradle
repositories {
/* other existing code */
maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
- Add dependency in build.gradle
implementation 'com.github.saiaaaaaaa:Almond:(version)'
- Create RecyclerView in activity layout
app:layout_constraintTop_toTopOf="parent" />
- Create reference to RecyclerView and desired data in activity class
List<String> data = new ArrayList<>();
/* data.add("Sample text"); */
RecyclerView rv = findViewById(R.id.rv);
- Initialize SimpleList using context, RecyclerView reference, and data reference
SimpleList simpleList = new SimpleList(context, rv, data); // simple list
- SimpleList with item click
public class MyClass extends AppCompatAcitivty implements SimpleListOnItemClick {
/* other existing code */
SimpleList simpleList = new SimpleList(context, rv, data, this);
- SimpleList with item long click
public class MyClass extends AppCompatAcitivty implements SimpleListOnItemLongClick {
/* other existing code */
SimpleList simpleList = new SimpleList(context, rv, data, this);
- SimpleList with item click and item long click
public class MyClass extends AppCompatAcitivty implements SimpleListOnItemClick, SimpleListOnItemLongClick {
/* other existing code */
SimpleList simpleList = new SimpleList(context, rv, data, this, this);
Keyword 'this' refers to implementation SimpleListOnItemClick and/or SimpleListOnItemLongClick
- Add data to SimpleList
simpleList.addItem("Sample text");
- Remove data from SimpleList
simpleList.removeItem(0); // index of item
simpleList.removeStartItem(); //removes item at the start of the list
simpleList.removeEndItem(); // removes item at the end of the list
- Get List data from SimpleList
simpleList.getData(); // returns List<String>
- Set simple list item padding
simpleList.setItemPadding(16); // will set 16dp padding to left, top, right, bottom
// or
simpleList.setItemPadding(16, 22, 24, 8); // will set multiple padding values to left, top, right, bottom
- Initialize RoundedAlertDialog using context
RoundedAlertDialog rad = new RoundedAlertDialog(context); // rounded alert dialog
rad.create("Title"); // required
rad.show(); // shows rounded alert dialog
- Working with left and/or right button/s
rad.setupRightButton("Sample text"); // show right button
rad.setupRightButtonOnClick(new View.OnClickListener() { // add right button click listener
public void onClick(View v) {
/* code */
rad.setupLeftButton("Sample text"); // show left button
rad.setupLeftButtonOnClick(new View.OnClickListener() { // add left button click listener
public void onClick(View v) {
/* code */
- Create a custom XML layout file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<androidx.constraintlayout.widget.ConstraintLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
app:layout_constraintTop_toTopOf="parent" />
Sample code above is only an example for a custom XML layout. Feel free to create any layout you want.
- Initialize custom XML layout file and add to RoundedAlertDialog
LayoutInflater li = LayoutInflater.from(this);
View v = li.inflate(R.layout.custom_layout, null);
/* other existing code */
Don't forget to call 'rad.show()' method
- Check a string if it has any symbols
StringChecker.hasSymbols("Sample text"); // returns false
StringChecker.hasSymbols("Sample text!"); // returns true
- Check a string if it has any numbers
StringChecker.hasNumbers("Sample text"); // returns false
StringChecker.hasNumbers("Sample text 1"); // returns true
- Initialize EasySQL using context
EasySQL es = new EasySQL(context);
- Create a table
Map<String, String> columns = new HashMap<>();
testvalues1.put("fname", "text");
testvalues1.put("lname", "text");
es.createTable("db1", "table1", columns);
EasySQL will automatically create/open a database while calling the 'createTable' method
- Check if a table exists
if (!es.doesTableExist("db1", "table1")){
/* other existing code */
- Insert a value to a table
Map<String, String> values = new HashMap<>();
testvalues1.put("fname", "Nutty");
testvalues1.put("lname", "Almond");
es.createTable("db1", "table1", values);
- Get all values from a table
List<Map<String, String>> tableValues = es.getTableValues("db1", "table1");
- Delete a table
es.deleteTable("db1", "table1");
- Delete a value from a table
String whereClause = es.whereClauseCreator("fname", "Nutty");
es.deleteFromTable("db1", "table1", whereClause);
- Enable fullscreen on any activity
Keyword 'this' refers to any valid activity
- Disable fullscreen on any activity
Keyword 'this' refers to any valid activity