Lists, Tuples, Regular Expressions
Training, Model Complexity, Estimate right confidence parameter, Linear Algebra, Probability and Statistics
It is valuable to explore Data, check co-reraltion between rows and columns, it's an approach how we understood the data
- Missing Data- It will show what all are missing values that we require to perform the operations.
- Categorical data - Gender - M/F , it should be in the form of 0 or 1
- Outliers - differe greatly from each others
- Feature Selection- Millions of rows and columns, select only few columns, select only few which are co-related to each other
Single input variable and Single output variable. Multiple linear regression is also there where multiple inputs will correspond to the outputs in linear phase. We try to plot a line which best fits all the points, generally, it's linear
They will help in regularising the difference between the output and input predictions.
- Ridge Method- L2 regularization adds penality which is square of the absolute of the difference between the output and input coefficients
- Lasso Method- L1 regularization adds penality which is absolute magnitude of the co-efficients
It provides data points in the curve shape. Polynomial regression is in the form of the linear regression in which the relation between the x and corresponding y in polynomial relation
- Broad range of functions can be fit under it. It has wide range of the curvature. It provides best approximation of the dependent and independant variables.
- Too sensitive to outliers
For classification and regression, it can solve the linear and non-linear as well. It creates a line or hyper plane which seperates the data into classes. It takes the decision in such a way that the supression in the two classifications is as wide as possible so that we can easily distinguish them.
They can solve both regression and classifictaion problems, they use the tree representation to solve the problem. The attributes are represented on the internal nodes of the tree. The leaf represents the output of the class labels Decision tree classifies example from root to leaf node
When dependant varibale is categorical like yes or no. It is a sigmoid function. It can mode any value into 0 and 1. There are 3 types of logistic regressions:
- Binary Logistic Regression
- Multinomial Logistic Regression - 3 or more categories eg: cities
- Ordinal Logistic regression - 3 or more with numerical values eg: movie rating
Every pair of feature that is independant. It will be classified using Baye's theorm, given that P(A/B). It is used in Recommendor system, Sentiment Analysis, Spam Filtering
It deals with both regression and classification The prediction is based on the mean or median of the K most similar instances. When Kmin can be used as classification, we can calculate output from class with highest frequency and k most near instances, each instances votes for their class, class with most votes taken as prediction. Kmin assumes that similar things exist in close proximity. Selecting Right K value is important, brute force k values and take k which reduces lot of the output errors.
That combine several base models in order to produce one optimal producing model. This is better than one single producing model. It is used in several hackathons like Netflix hackathons, Kaggle hackathons. It is used to decrease the variance Types:
- Random Forest - uses multiple decision trees for predictions
- Bagging or bootstrap aggregating
Using regression are Mean Avsolute error, RMS, R^2 etc., Using classification are confusion matrix, classification accuracy, area under ROC curve
It looks for fixed number of k clusters in a dataset. Cluster is group of elements with similar properties forms a cluster.
It groups similar objects called clusters. Each observation as separate cluster. It repetetively executes the two steps. It identifies the clusters closest to each other, it merges the clusters together. It uses Euclidean distance to merge the similar clusters
- Apriori method- Frequent item pairs are identified. It identifies minimum occuring items which are frequent and uses them to group and then it should have the frequent items as well. It has support, confidence and lift as characteristics and based on this, you will get the next item recommendation. This will be majorly used in the E-commerce websites. It uses BFS as search purpose. This doesn't involve any repetitive scanning of data to find any individual support values.
- Eclat Method- Its is basically Equivalence class clustering and bottom of lattice travelled cell. It is one of the popular method of the association rules. We use DFS of graph as a vertical search for faster purpose.
It is a multi-m bandit problem. It is used to represent a similar kind of problem and find a good strategy to solve the problem. Bandit is like one who steals our money, it's like a bandit in casino where you pull a lever and get rewards, so, a multi-m bandit is a computed-slot machine, where in one level is pulled rather than the several levers, the task is to find out the probability to pull the which lever to pull to get the maximum reward.
It is an algorithm for decision problems where actions are taken sequentially in manner that must have expectation what is known to maximum immediated performance and enhance the accumulation of the experience in order to improve the future performance. It addresses a broad range of the problems.
It is used in prediction problems which involves the time components. Why because in classical series, time series must be understood to understand the underlying causes. Forecasting means predicting the future data based on the present data.
It is practically used to perceive the language leaarning. Eg: Google uses to understand speech synthesis. Google Translator, Youtube comments under community policies or not. Some techniques used in the Natural Language Processing are :
- Removing puntucation
- Tokenization
- Remove stop words
- Stemming
- Limitizing
- Vectorizing data
- Backuping data
- Validating data
There are lot of advances in the artifical neural networks.The basic idea of ANN based on belief that working of human brain, by using the correct connections. Human brain imitation considering the semiconductors like neurons in our brain. The nodes take the value of the previous nodes and thus build a connection between them this imitating the connections of the brain. Types of Neural Networks:
It is a deeplearning algorithm which can take input image and assign learnable weights to varous aspects of image such that we can distingusih from one other. While in primitives methods, filters are hand engineered. While in CNN, they can learn this filters or characteristics. These are inspired by the organization of the visual cortex in human brain. Visual neurons respond to stimual in a restrcit field known as the visual field. It has input layers, max pulling convolution.
It's decisions are influenced by what it has learned in the past. Basic models only remembers what they are trained, while RNN in addition, they remembers things from the past while dealing with prior inputs to generate the prior outputs. From one or more input vectors and produce one or more outputs vectors and the o/ps depends on not only applied weights but also based on the state vector repressenting the context of the inputs and outputs. So, the same input vectors depending on the prior state, may give the different outputs as well.
Kind of the deep learning Neural Networks produced while applying the same set of weights recursively over the structured input to predict a structured input over a scalar prediction on it. They are successful in learning trees structured inputs which are sequential in nature.
NumPy is a python programming library for multi-dimensional arrays along with lot of mathematical functions as well. It can be used to create vector, sparse matrix, applying operations to elements, calculating min, max, variance, transposing a matrix, find rank or determenant of matrix, clalculate the trace of matrix, eigen values and eigen vectors, inverting the matrix etc.,
It is also mostly u8sed with pythona dn for data analaysis. Primary object types are dataframes and data series. Can read csv files, excel files, links etc.,
It is used for plotting the plots. We can have scatter plots, histograms, bar graphs, diverging bars, area chart, to check the compositions of the data we can go with waffle chart, pie chart, bar chart. To check the distributions, use line plot, histogram, box plot, violin plot.
It features various algorithms like SVM, random forests, K near plots etc., Scikit learn is created to make machine laerning easier. We process data.
It is a python visulaization library using matplotlib, provides high quality graphics. It has similar kind of plots of atplotlib + additional plots like cat plots etc.,
It bundles together the Machine Learning and deep learning algorithms. It used python to provide convinient front end api for building applucatiin using the frameworks, using them in high level performance C++. They can run Deep Neural Networks uses those hand writing recognition algorithms, NLP etc, these applications can be run on either android or local machine or google cloud etc.,
Keras contains implementations of the commonly used NN building blocks like layers, optimizers etcs., to make working with image and text data easiers
It can be used as NL tool kit. It has parsing,streaming, tokenizing has tools for almost all NLP tasks. It supports lot of 3rd party extensions.