I generated a Power BI dashboard for online sales data.
You can view live demo here at: https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiZWJjZjRjZjEtNjM3YS00ZGIwLWExYTUtZjQ2ZDZjZWFlMzAwIiwidCI6ImQ5OTlmMTM5LTY5NzEtNDQzZC1hMTE2LTJmYTBlOWZlZDNhZSJ9
Project learnings:
-Identified key factors to reduce attrition.
-Improved the hiring process.
-Improved employee experience.
-Made workforce more productive.
-Gained employee trust.
I have also uploaded the datasets used by me and the wallpapers used for background enhancement.
The .pbix file has also been uploaded which can be previewed after downloading.
Please keep in mind that the data has been transformed in the dataset to generate some special visualizations.