Members: Name | GitHub name
- Ahmad Al-Aref | alarefahmad
- Erik Wetter | erikwet
- Malte Åkvist | amalte
- Oscar Arvidson | oscarvid
- Sam Salek | samsalmag
- Sara Galligani Vardheim | saravardheim
- Tilda Grönlund | tildagronlund
- Download a runnable .jar and .exe from here (
- A recent JRE needs to be installed to run the .jar
- The .exe must always be located in the same folder as "win32" to be able to run. Create a shortcut of the .exe and place it wherever for easier access.
- Documentation (reflections, project scope, etc.): Dokumentation
- Source code: src/main/java/edu/chalmers/axen2021
- Tests: src/test/java/edu/chalmers/axen2021
- Resources (fxml, images, etc.): src/main/resources
- Scrum Board (Trello):