Enhance UI/UX of django admin
- Custom order menu item
- Restyle sidebar menu UI, collapse menu
- Restyle align for form row in change page
- Collapse filter box
- Admin inlines tabbable
- Read only mode
- Bookmark menu
- Ignore confirm delete page option
- Add link for foregin key in change list page
- And more utils functions
pip install git+https://github.com/santhosh-programmer/django-admin-extended.git
# Install app, install before django.contrib.admin
'MENU_APP_ORDER': ['user', 'auth'],
'MENU_MODEL_ORDER': ['User', 'Group'],
- MENU_APP_ORDER: change order of app at left sidebar
- MENU_MODEL_ORDER: change order of model at left sidebar
- MODEL_ADMIN_TABBED_INLINE: use tab for model inline. Default is True
- RAW_ID_FIELDS_AS_DEFAULT: use raw_id_fields (or autocomplete_fields if related model have search_fields) as default for related fields instead of select box
from django.apps import apps
from django.contrib import admin
from admin_extended.base import ExtendedAdminModel
from . import models
class PostCommentInline(admin.TabularInline):
model = models.PostComment
extra = 0
class PostTagInline(admin.TabularInline):
model = models.PostTag
extra = 0
class PostAdmin(ExtendedAdminModel):
list_display = ('id', 'title', 'post_at')
search_fields = ('title',)
search_help_text = 'Search by title'
list_filter = ('status',)
inlines = [
ExtendedAdminModel options
- raw_id_fields_as_default (boolean, default True) Use raw_id_fields (or autocomplete_fields if related model have search_fields) as default for ForeginKey instead of select box (optimize performance for large database)
- delete_without_confirm (boolean, default False) Ignore confirm page for delete action
- tab_inline (boolean, default from setting) Use tab for model inline (override value in setting)
- super_admin_only_fields (list, default []) Only show these fields if user login is superuser
- ext_read_only_fields (list, default []) Only show these fields in view mode. Default custom fields start with display_ was mark as read only so you don't need add these fields to ext_read_only_fields
- ext_write_only_fields (list, default []) Only show these fields in edit mode
- enable_foreign_link (boolean, default True) Add link for foregin key in change list page
from admin_extended.decorators import object_tool
from admin_extended.base import ExtendedAdminModel
class CustomerAdmin(ExtendedAdminModel):
change_form_object_tools = ['demo_change_form_action']
change_list_object_tools = ['demo_change_list_action']
@object_tool(name='do_something', description='Do something', http_method='post', post_param_title='Name')
def demo_change_form_action(self, request, object_id):
customer = models.Customer.objects.get(pk=object_id)
context = {
'title': f'Update customer {customer.name}',
if request.method == 'POST':
form = CustomForm(request.POST)
messages.success(request, request.POST.get('data'))
if form.is_valid():
return redirect(reverse('admin:shop_customer_change', args=[object_id]))
context["form"] = CustomForm()
return render(request, 'admin/custom/custom_form.html', context)
@object_tool(name='demo_change_list_action', description='Do something')
def demo_change_list_action(self, request):
context = {
'title': f'Import customer',
if request.method == 'POST':
form = CustomForm(request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
return redirect(reverse('admin:shop_customer_changelist'))
context["form"] = CustomForm()
return render(request, 'admin/custom/custom_form.html', context)
- Change list object tool
- Change form object tool
object_tool(function=None, *, icon=None, name=None, description=None, http_method='get', post_param_title=None)
- icon: icon of button
- name: name of object tool (must unique)
- description: label of button
- http_method: Only affect in change form page. with http_method is post, you can pass one param when submit object tool.
- post_param_title: Only affect when http_method is post. Title of param you want to pass.
- Go to page you want add to bookmark
- Click bookmark button add bottom right
- Choose name of bookmark
- You also can manage book mark (add, delete, change order, ...) in bookmark model
Add this code at end of admin.py file of lastest install app (INSTALLED_APPS setting)
from admin_extended.utils import auto_register_model_admin
auto_register_model_admin(default_model_admin_class=DefaultModelAdmin, ignore_models=[]): This function will automatic register admin for all unregistered model
- default_model_admin_class: DefaultModelAdmin will list all fields (exclude TextField) of model in change list page, you can custom your model admin and pass to this param
- ignore_models: list model you don't want auto register. specify by <app_label>.<model_name>. Eg: 'users.user'
- Change list page
- Read only mode
- Edit mode