What's Changed
Code improvements.
Instance methods
moved fromZipEntryFile
. -
Adds support to operate from input Stream. This means you can now:
List entries:
PS ..\PSCompression> $uri = 'https://www.powershellgallery.com/api/v2/package/PSCompression' PS ..\PSCompression> Invoke-WebRequest $uri | Get-ZipEntry | Select-Object -First 5 Directory: / Type LastWriteTime CompressedSize Size Name ---- ------------- -------------- ---- ---- Archive 11/6/2024 10:29 PM 227.00 B 785.00 B [Content_Types].xml Archive 11/6/2024 10:27 PM 516.00 B 2.50 KB PSCompression.Format.ps1xml Archive 11/6/2024 10:29 PM 598.00 B 1.58 KB PSCompression.nuspec Archive 11/6/2024 10:27 PM 1.66 KB 5.45 KB PSCompression.psd1 Directory: /_rels/ Type LastWriteTime CompressedSize Size Name ---- ------------- -------------- ---- ---- Archive 11/6/2024 10:29 PM 276.00 B 507.00 B .rels
Read their content:
PS ..\PSCompression> $entry = Invoke-WebRequest $uri | Get-ZipEntry -Include *.psd1 PS ..\PSCompression> $entry | Get-ZipEntryContent -Raw | Invoke-Expression Name Value ---- ----- FunctionsToExport {} PowerShellVersion 5.1 GUID c63aa90e-ae64-4ae1-b1c8-456e0d13967e FormatsToProcess {PSCompression.Format.ps1xml} RootModule bin/netstandard2.0/PSCompression.dll Author Santiago Squarzon ModuleVersion 2.0.10 CompanyName Unknown PrivateData {[PSData, System.Collections.Hashtable]} Description Zip and GZip utilities for PowerShell! Copyright (c) Santiago Squarzon. All rights reserved. CmdletsToExport {Get-ZipEntry, Get-ZipEntryContent, Set-ZipEntryContent, Remove-ZipEntry…} VariablesToExport {} AliasesToExport {gziptofile, gzipfromfile, gziptostring, gzipfromstring…} RequiredAssemblies {System.IO.Compression, System.IO.Compression.FileSystem}
Extract them:
PS ..\PSCompression> $file = $entry | Expand-ZipEntry -PassThru PS ..\PSCompression> $file Mode LastWriteTime Length Name ---- ------------- ------ ---- -a--- 11/6/2024 10:27 PM 5584 PSCompression.psd1 PS ..\PSCompression> Get-Content $file.FullName -TotalCount 3 # # Module manifest for module 'PSCompression' #
Other operations are not supported and will throw an error:
PS ..\PSCompression> $entry | Remove-ZipEntry Remove-ZipEntry: The operation is not supported for entries created from input Stream.
Full Changelog: v2.0.10...v2.1.0