PSTree is a PowerShell Module that includes the Get-PSTree
cmdlet that intends to emulate the tree
command with added functionalities to calculate the folders size as well as recursive folders size.
Check out the docs for information about how to use this Module.
For customizing the cmdlet's rendering output see about_TreeStyle.
The module is available through the PowerShell Gallery:
Install-Module PSTree -Scope CurrentUser
git clone ''
Set-Location ./PSTree
Compatible with Windows PowerShell v5.1 and PowerShell 7+.
PS ..\PSTree> Get-PSTree | Select-Object -First 20
Source: C:\path\to\PSTree
Mode Length Hierarchy
---- ------ ---------
d---- 31.20 KB PSTree
-a--- 4.64 KB ├── .gitignore
-a--- 137.00 B ├── .markdownlint.json
-a--- 2.16 KB ├── build.ps1
-a--- 7.90 KB ├──
-a--- 1.07 KB ├── LICENSE
-a--- 8.10 KB ├──
-a--- 5.96 KB ├──
-a--- 1.23 KB ├── ScriptAnalyzerSettings.psd1
d---- 1.74 KB ├── tools
-a--- 1.60 KB │ ├── PesterTest.ps1
-a--- 141.00 B │ ├── requiredModules.psd1
d---- 0.00 B │ └── Modules
d---- 1.44 MB │ ├── PSScriptAnalyzer
d---- 401.83 KB │ ├── platyPS
d---- 771.55 KB │ ├── Pester
d---- 143.43 KB │ └── InvokeBuild
d---- 6.76 KB ├── tests
-a--- 6.76 KB │ └── PSTree.Tests.ps1
d---- 0.00 B ├── src
PS ..\PSTree> Get-PSTree -Exclude *tools, *tests | Select-Object -First 20
Source: C:\path\to\PSTree
Mode Length Hierarchy
---- ------ ---------
d---- 31.20 KB PSTree
-a--- 4.64 KB ├── .gitignore
-a--- 137.00 B ├── .markdownlint.json
-a--- 2.16 KB ├── build.ps1
-a--- 7.90 KB ├──
-a--- 1.07 KB ├── LICENSE
-a--- 8.10 KB ├──
-a--- 5.96 KB ├──
-a--- 1.23 KB ├── ScriptAnalyzerSettings.psd1
d---- 0.00 B ├── src
d---- 10.30 KB │ └── PSTree
-a--- 931.00 B │ ├── ExceptionHelpers.cs
-a--- 439.00 B │ ├── PSTree.csproj
-a--- 1.06 KB │ ├── PSTreeDirectory.cs
-a--- 4.01 KB │ ├── PSTreeExtensions.cs
-a--- 517.00 B │ ├── PSTreeFile.cs
-a--- 399.00 B │ ├── PSTreeFileSystemInfo.cs
-a--- 1.51 KB │ ├── PSTreeFileSystemInfo_T.cs
-a--- 897.00 B │ ├── PSTreeHelper.cs
-a--- 619.00 B │ ├── PSTreeIndexer.cs
PS ..\PSTree> Get-PStree -Include *.ps1, *.cs -Exclude *output, *tools, *docs, *module
Source: C:\path\to\PSTree
Mode Length Hierarchy
---- ------ ---------
d---- 33.15 KB PSTree
-a--- 2.35 KB ├── build.ps1
-a--- 8.10 KB ├──
d---- 13.29 KB ├── tests
-a--- 765.00 B │ ├── FormattingInternals.tests.ps1
-a--- 5.89 KB │ ├── GetPSTreeCommand.tests.ps1
-a--- 1.51 KB │ ├── PathExtensions.tests.ps1
-a--- 1.38 KB │ ├── PSTreeDirectory.ps1
-a--- 920.00 B │ ├── PSTreeFile.tests.ps1
-a--- 2.09 KB │ └── PSTreeFileSystemInfo_T.tests.ps1
d---- 0.00 B ├── src
d---- 12.15 KB │ └── PSTree
-a--- 931.00 B │ ├── ExceptionHelpers.cs
-a--- 4.09 KB │ ├── PathExtensions.cs
-a--- 900.00 B │ ├── PSTreeCache.cs
-a--- 1.06 KB │ ├── PSTreeDirectory.cs
-a--- 1.66 KB │ ├── PSTreeExtensions.cs
-a--- 517.00 B │ ├── PSTreeFile.cs
-a--- 399.00 B │ ├── PSTreeFileSystemInfo.cs
-a--- 1.61 KB │ ├── PSTreeFileSystemInfo_T.cs
-a--- 626.00 B │ ├── PSTreeIndexer.cs
d---- 16.53 KB │ ├── obj
d---- 1.15 KB │ ├── Internal
d---- 6.43 KB │ ├── Commands
d---- 0.00 B │ └── bin
d---- 4.07 KB ├── .vscode
d---- 0.00 B └── .github
d---- 4.17 KB └── workflows
PS ..\PSTree> Get-PSTree .\src\ -Recurse -Directory
Source: C:\path\to\PSTree\src
Mode Length Hierarchy
---- ------ ---------
d---- 0.00 B src
d---- 10.30 KB └── PSTree
d---- 16.53 KB ├── obj
d---- 0.00 B │ └── Debug
d---- 88.02 KB │ └── netstandard2.0
d---- 1.13 KB ├── Internal
d---- 5.68 KB ├── Commands
d---- 0.00 B └── bin
d---- 0.00 B └── Debug
d---- 33.31 KB └── netstandard2.0
d---- 33.11 KB └── publish
PS ..\PSTree> Get-PSTree .\src\ -Depth 2 -Directory
Source: C:\path\to\PSTree\src
Mode Length Hierarchy
---- ------ ---------
d---- 0.00 B src
d---- 10.30 KB └── PSTree
d---- 16.53 KB ├── obj
d---- 1.13 KB ├── Internal
d---- 5.68 KB ├── Commands
d---- 0.00 B └── bin
PS ..\PSTree> Get-PSTree .\src\ -Depth 2 -Directory -RecursiveSize
Source: C:\path\to\PSTree\src
Mode Length Hierarchy
---- ------ ---------
d---- 188.08 KB src
d---- 188.08 KB └── PSTree
d---- 104.55 KB ├── obj
d---- 1.13 KB ├── Internal
d---- 5.68 KB ├── Commands
d---- 66.42 KB └── bin
Contributions are more than welcome, if you wish to contribute, fork this repository and submit a pull request with the changes.