A webpage that allows visitors to browse stored movies and watch their trailers. Server-side python code is used to store a list of favorite movies, including box art imagery and a movie trailer URL. Version of Python used: 3.6.1
Project files : media.py, entertainment_center.py, fresh_tomatoes.py
Install Python
Download the ud036_StarterCode-master zip file and unzip the file.
To Start the Movie application:
1.Run IDLE. You will have a Python Shell window.
2.In the downloaded folder, open entertainment.py file.
3.Use a F5 to run the file
4.A html webpage named fresh_tomatoes.html is generated.
5.Open the fresh_tomatoes.html webpage with your browser.
6.A list of movies are displyed with their name and release year. E.g: ABC (2017)
7.Click on any movie and it’s trailer would be played.
fresh_tomatoes.py file provided by Udacity is used to generate the html webpage.