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How To Check Version History

Bartosz Firyn edited this page Jan 26, 2018 · 7 revisions

Sometimes it very important to check what changes has been a incorporated in particular version. For Webcam Capture project there are two ways do do that.

The Easy Way

Use milestones view:

(don't forget to clear milestones filter to go back to normal issues view)

The Hard Way

Use gitk tool in cloned repository:

$ git clone git://
$ cd webcam-capture
$ gitk --all

ZIP Assembly

There is also CHANGELOG.htm file in ZIP assembly available for each release. The ZIP files can be downloaded from my private repository.

That Sucks, I Need Some Listing!

Sure, please see all changes listed for specific release:

Just for my memory - to generate log for each release (replace version-tag with specific versions):

$ git log \
  [version-tag]..[version-tag] --first-parent \
  --pretty=format:'* [`%h`]( | %s'