This plugin will mimic the Grails 2 way of handling external configurations defined in grails.config.locations
It also provides scripts to convert between yml & groovy config.
Grails | external-config |
6.2.1 | 4.0.1 |
6.1.1 | 4.0.0 |
5.3.5 | 3.2.0 |
5.0.x | 3.0.0 |
4.x.x | 2.0.1 |
3.3.x | 1.4.0 |
Plugin creator
Major contributors
Thank you!
Note: New coordinates! Not published with
coordinates since BinTray went out of business. Now published under dk.glasius
Add dependency to your build.gradle
dependencies {
implementation 'dk.glasius:external-config:4.0.1' // or latest version
When you add this plugin to your Grails build, it will automatically look for the property grails.config.locations
. Define this in either application.yml
like this:
- classpath:myconfig.groovy
- classpath:myconfig.yml
- file:///etc/app/myconfig.groovy
- file:///etc/app/myconfig.yml
- file:///etc/app/
- ~/.grails/myconfig.groovy
- ~/.grails/myconfig.yml
- ~/.grails/
- file:${catalina.base}/myconfig.groovy
- file:${catalina.base}/myconfig.yml
- file:${catalina.base}/
or in application.groovy
like this:
grails.config.locations = [
It is also possible to define it in an environment specific block (yml):
- ...
or (groovy)
environments {
test {
grails {
config {
locations = [...]
references the users $HOME
Notice, that using a system property you should use single quotes because otherwise it's interpreted as a Gstring.
The plugin will skip configuration files that are not found.
For .groovy
and .yml
files the environments
blocks in the config file are interpreted the same way, as in application.yml
or application.groovy
It is possible to use *
as wildcards in the filename part of the configuration:
- file:/etc/app/myconfig*.groovy
- ~/.grails/myconfig*.groovy
grails.config.locations = [
Note: that it only works for the file:
and ~/
Note: the wildcards are in the order they are found in the locations
list, but the order of the expanded locations
for each wildcard is not guaranteed, and is dependent on the OS used.
Getting configuration from another folder than /conf on classpath without moving it with Gradle script
If you wish to make your Grails application pull external configuration from classpath when running locally, but you do not wish to get it packed into the assembled war file (i.e. place the external configuration file in e.g. /external-config instead of /conf), then you can include the external configuration file to the classpath by adding the following line to build.gradle
tasks.named('bootRun') {
doFirst {
classpath += files("external-config")
tasks.withType(Test) {
doFirst {
classpath += files("external-config")
or alternatively add this to your dependencies
runtimeOnly files('external-config') // provided to ensure that external config is not included in the war file
Alternatively, you can make a gradle script to move the external configuration file to your classpath (e.g. /build/classes)
The plugin will register the locations in grails.config.locations
as micronaut.config.files
. Please note, that Micronaut will fail, if it does not recognise the file extension.
To see which files the external-config
is loading, add grails.plugin.externalconfig
level to your logback.xml
configuration file.
This plugin also includes two scripts, one for converting yml config, to groovy config, and one for converting groovy config to yml config. These scripts are not guaranteed to be perfect, but you should report any edge cases for the yml to groovy config here:
grails yml-to-groovy-config
has the following parameters:
- ymlFile - The yml input file.
- asClosure - An optional flag to set the output to be closure based or map based. The Default is closure based
- outputFile - The optional output file. If none is provided, then the output will go to System.out.
- indent - Optional indent. The default is 4 spaces
- escapeList - An optional CSV list of values to escape, with no spaces. The default is 'default'
grails yml-to-groovy-config [ymlFile] [optional asClosure] [optional outputFile] [optional indent] [optional escape list]
grails groovy-to-yml-config
has the following parameters:
- groovy - The groovy input file.'
- outputFile - The optional output file. If none is provided, then the output will go to System.out.
- indent' - Sets the optional indent level for a file. The default is 4
- flow - Sets the optional style of BLOCK or FLOWS. The default is BLOCK.
grails groovy-to-yml-config [ymlFile] [optional outputFile] [optional indent] [optinal flow]