this is the official code for sigir 2022 paper 《CTnoCVR: A Novelty Auxiliary Task Making the Lower-CTR-Higher-CVR Upper》
paper is here
- the main code is in
- scripts for running is in
- put as much as possible parameters in a yaml file in
, which makes it easier to manage and also change in commandline.
- all parameters should be in a yaml file as shown in
; you have to change location of training/eval files tools/
control the workflow.- python -c configs/esmm_ali_cpp.yml
- you can override parameters as follows:
- python -c configs/esmm_ali_cpp.yml -o Global.epochs=4 Models.esmm.mlp_ctr="[360, 200, 80]"
- more examples
- CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=2 python tools/ -c configs/esmm_ali_cpp.yml -o Loss.weights="[1., 1., 1.]" Loss.value="[direct_auc_loss, direct_auc_loss, fake_loss]"
- figure out how to utilize the value of each feature (currently didn't pay attention to it)
- make datareader faster (currently 350ms/batch(5000 example))
- all negative batch could impact the learning process since it's easy to overfit due to the imbalance of ali-cpp dataset. I guess we could try to give a dynamic weight of each batch according to the pecentage of negative examples in a batch. added focalLoss, but it's only comparable with binary_crossentropy loss.
jeffzhengye scalaboy