Medical diary application based on Python 3.10+, FastAPI, SQLAlchemy, PostgreSQL, to practice web framework, ORM, REST API, and so on. Of course, I'd use this app for my health care irl. 🥴
- Python 3.10.5 (Windows NT x64)
- FastAPI 0.87+ (implying minor documentation updates)
- PostgreSQL 14
- SQLAlchemy 1.4.44
- IDE: PyCharm Pro 2022.2.3
- Anaconda: conda 22.9.0 / conda-build 3.23.1 / conda-forge (for the integration of the environment, using 'pip' is avoided)
What I've found is...
- FastAPI is a micro/light-weight web framework like flask, and not to build a formal API nor for functional programming.
- With HTTP, 'CRUD' operations can be handled via HTTP requests.
- ASGI server is used for production.(uvicorn is the very example in tutorials)
- ASGI: Asynchronous Server Gateway Interface (a spiritual successor to WSGI, and both of them are a kind of CGI, Common Gateway Interface)
- Deeply based on starlette,
- using Pydantic for validations of values
- and SQLAlchemy as an ORM,
- and OpenAPI is supported for (generating) documentations.
- I adopted to use FastAPI framework to get access to my personal medical record DB, that I created earlier to practice the DBMS.
- database/model/schema for FastAPI has been arranged from that of the tutorials to my DB, and building up APIs on the main/crud part.
- It is quite easy to use enumeration types, date&time and nested data types, not just simple values like numbers or string.
- (with my gratitude to those good examples and nice explanations 😘)