I have integrated ImebraBuild library into my swift code to retrive DICOM files through TCP streaming and display the images using a webview. The webview renders the DICOM files using a DicomViewer called dwv(https://github.com/ivmartel/dwv) written in Jquery-Mobile.
I am loading the webViewer folder into my resource bundle.
The TCP streamed & downloaded DICOM images are also stored into resource bundle so that webViewer picks it up from the respective folders and renders them.
I had to setup ORTHANC light weight mini-PAC server (https://www.orthanc-server.com/) in my local machine and configure its AET, serverPort
## DICOM details
## DICOM server
## Remote DICOM server
## IOS Plugin
ADD libimebra.a into "Link Binary With Libraries" under Build Phases
DICOM image processing using Imebra
As per the Imebra official guide compile and generate library using command line as follows,
mkdir imebra_for_ios
cd imebra_for_ios
cmake your_imebra_location -DIOS=IPHONE
cmake --build .
mkdir imebra_for_ios_simulator
cd imebra_for_ios_simulator
cmake your_imebra_location -DIOS=SIMULATOR
cmake --build .
In both compilation, libimebra.a will be generated.
lipo -create libimebra.a libimebra.a -o libimebraUniversal.a
Note: libimebra.a one is iPhone(armv7,armv7s architecture) and another one for simulator(i386,x86_64 architecture). Rename libimebraUniversal.a to libimebra.a
Select Target -> Build Phase -> Link Binary with libraries -> Click "+" to add the libraries libimebra.a, libiconv.tbd and libc++.tbd
Select Target -> Build Settings -> Search Paths -> Library Search Paths -> add Imebra build location (imebra_for_ios or imebra_for_ios_simulator) with recursive
That's it Clean and Build.