Just a little BirdApp that I made
This code was made using python to test my skills in the tkinter functions and programming with a Python GUI. It is quite simple, running it, one should be able to use the buttons to open bird windows which house information and images of each bird, accessing the files in the BirdMedia folder. It also allows the user to play bird songs, also found within the BirdMedia folder. Descriptions of the selected birds were pulled from Wikipedia and arranged in a way that allows them to be somewhat parallel between English and German. Descriptions for the Robin, Blackbird, and Nuthatch were pulled from Wikipedia on the 30th of January 2019. Images and songs were downloaded from https://www.british-birdsongs.uk/ where the owners of these media are credited. The audio files also contain the information for their owner in the metadata.
This program requires the modules pygame and pillow, which can be installed from pip using the command line, navigating to the python folder and using the command python -m pip install pygame and python -m pip install pillow.