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Release Procedure

Adrián Chaves edited this page Dec 9, 2019 · 2 revisions

To release a new version of Protego:

Upgrade the version in the repository

Note: Replace 1.2.3 below by the actual new version. Also, the code below assumes that the Scrapy repository is configured as the upstream++ remote in your local clone, which you can do with:

git remote add upstream
git checkout master
git pull --ff-only upstream master
git log -1  # Check that the last commit is the release notes update
# Change the version in
git commit -am "Upgrade version to 1.2.3"
git tag 1.2.3
git push upstream master 1.2.3

New versions are automatically deployed on the Python Package Index through Travis CI, at the end of the Python 2.7 job of the tag build.

Create a GitHub release

Create a Github release entry, with a description of the changes since the last version.

This step can be skipped in the case of new tags created just to trigger re-packagings in the Python Package Index.

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