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4. the overrides file structure

sam detweiler edited this page Dec 30, 2024 · 2 revisions

overrides definitions the override file is a json file, so it starts with {}

then there is a row for each variable to be overridden.(everything in double quotes, per JSON, blank lines are acceptable, and ignored. no comments are allowed)

"variable name" // always, from the module defaults section : <------- required by json simple type definition {"type":"pairs"} // use this if the 'object' is a list of key/value pairs (like titleReplace in calendar)


{"type":"object"} // use this when the object is correct, not expandable

type with explicit definition {"type":"object", "object":{xxxxxxx}} where xxxxxxx is the definition of the variables in the object

for excludedEvents it looks like this


	"filterBy": "", 
	"until": "nn day(s)/week(s)/month(s)", 
	"caseSensitive": false, 

}, // use this when the module doesn't declare the contents of the object, but its described in the doc or code like excludedEvents:{}

string with a selection list {"type":"string",

"enum":[comma separated list of choices, in the order you want them to appear.. 
       [ "a", "b", "c", "foo" ]  // for example

}, // use this when the module has a string variable something:"" or something:null (but usage implies string and a choice)

like removeStartTags in newsfeed looking at the code, there are only three choices

if (this.config.removeStartTags === "title" || this.config.removeStartTags === "both") {


if (this.config.removeStartTags === "description" || this.config.removeStartTags === "both") {

so the list would be


final definition


you can add a "default":"xxxx", where "xxxx" is one of the choices, for example

"removeStartTags":{"type":"string","enum":["title","description","both"], "default":"description"}

otherwise the first entry in the enum[] list will be the default value (selected if no value found in the current config.js) sometimes none of the the choices seem to work, for example the compliments module