The LVM-DAP is the official data analysis pipeline for the SDSS-V Local Volume Mapper (LVM). It provides routines and scripts to analyze and fit spectral data from LVM observations.
: Fits FITS files in LVM format using a predefined configuration file.lvm-dap-gen-out-mod
: Generates output models from spectral data.lvm-dap-sim
: Simulates spectral data based on predefined parameters.lvm-dap
: Runs spectral fitting for LVM data.
It is recommended to install LVM-DAP in a virtual environment to avoid dependency issues. Options include:
- Conda/Miniconda (Recommended)
- venv
- pipenv
LVM-DAP depends on pyPipe3D (pyPipe3D, Lacerda et al. 2022). Install pyPipe3D before proceeding.
# Create and activate a Conda environment
conda create --name lvmdap python=3.11
conda activate lvmdap
# Install required dependencies
conda install numpy=1.23.5 # Avoid compatibility issues
# OR
pip install numpy==1.23.5
# Install pyPipe3D
git clone
cd pyPipe3D
pip install . --user
cd ..
# Install LVM-DAP
git clone
cd lvmdap
pip install . --user
Download and store the required fitting data from: Download LVM fitting data
Define the following environment variables:
export LVM_DAP="/path/to/lvmdap" # LVM-DAP installation directory
export LVM_DAP_CFG="$LVM_DAP/_legacy" # Configuration files directory
export LVM_DAP_RSP="_fitting_data" # Stellar templates directory
After a successful installation, the directory should be structured as follows:
├── dist
├── lvmdap
├── _examples
├── _fitting_data
├── _legacy
├── notebooks
├── poetry.lock
├── pyproject.toml
├── README.rst
cd _examples/
chmod +x
- Download the example FITS file:
- Place it inside
- Run the following command:
lvm-dap-conf _examples/data/lvmSFrame-example.fits.gz dap-4-example _legacy/lvm-dap_fast.yaml
# output directory
output_path: "/disk-a/sanchez/LVM/LVM/ver_231113/output_dap/"
# LVM-DAP software directory
lvmdap_dir: "/home/sanchez/sda2/code/python/lvmdap"
# rsp-file for the full stellar decomposition
rsp-file: "../_fitting-data/_basis-binned_mastar/stellar-basis-spectra-binned-4-mastar.fits.gz"
# rsp-file for the derivation of the non-linear (NL) parameters (vel, vel_disp, Av)
rsp-nl-file: "../_fitting-data/_basis-binned_mastar/stellar-basis-spectra-binned-4-mastar.fits.gz"
# approximate instrumental resolution in AA
sigma-inst: 1
# input format for fitting the data (deprecated)
input-fmt: rss
# redshift range (or velocity) to explore in the NL
- 0.0 # guess
- 0.0001 # delta
- -0.0003 # min
- 0.0003 # max
# velocity dispersion in km/s range to explore in the NL
- 1 # guess
- 5 # delta
- 1 # min
- 15 # max
# Dust attenuation in the V-band
- 0 # guess
- 0.3 # delta
- 0.0 # min
- 1.5 # max
# list of strong emission lines to analyze
emission-lines-file: ../_legacy/emission_lines_strong.LVM
# emission-lines-file-long: ../_legacy/emission_lines_long_list.LVM
# full list of emission lines to analyze using the non-parametric fitting procedure
emission-lines-file-long: ../_legacy/emission_lines_strong.LVM
# Wavelength range in which the full stellar decomposition is peformed
- 3700
- 9500
# Wavelength range in which the kinematics parameters (vel,vel_disp) are fitted
- 3800
- 4200
# File comprising the wavelength bands to be masked (e.g., the bands between spectrographs)
mask-file: ../_legacy/mask_bands_LVM.txt
# File with a set wavelengths to mask (narrow range around the designed wavelength)
mask_file: none
# Configuration file defining the emission lines to fit during the RSP fitting.
config-file: ../_legacy/auto_ssp_LVM.config
# Flag indicating if any previous file with the same label should be removed
clear_outputs: True
# not used so far. Possible binning the wavelength range to speed-up the fitting procedure
bin-nl: 3
# not used so far. Possible binning in the derivation of Av to speed-up the process
bin-AV: 50
# Flag to ignore the emission line fitting during the RSP analysis
ignore_gas: False
# Initial guess for the velocity dispersion for the emission lines analysis in AA
sigma-gas: 0.8
# Flag to perform the emission line fitting one once during the RSP analysis
single-gas-fit: True
# Flag indicating if instead of a decomposition the code looks for the best RSP in the template that
# matchs with the observed spectra
single_rsp: False
# Flag indicating wether to generate plots or not along the fitting process
do_plots: 1
# Flux range for plotting. When set ot [-1,1] it will automatically determine the required range
- -1 # min
- 1 # max
# Range of fibers to fit in case that you do not want to fit the full RSS
- 500
- 503
# Not used so far: range of spectral pixels to perform the fitting
- 100
- 3000
out-plot-format: "pdf"
# Format of the output plot format : "png"
only-integrated: True
# Fit only the integrated spectrum or not
auto-redshift: True
# Find the central redshift automatically using the integrated spectrum
auto_z_min: -0.005
auto_z_max: 0.01
auto_z_del: 0.0001
# Parameters that define the range min,max and delta
auto_z_bg: True
# Subtract the background to detect Ha+NII in the integrated spectrum to find the central redshift
auto_z_sc: True
# Correct the residual background for the integrated spectrum
sky-hack: False
# Appply a correction of the sky spectrum (deprecated, useful for DRP<1.0.3)
SN_CUT: 20
# SN cut for the multi-RSP analysis
# SN cut for the single-RSP analysis
lvm-dap-conf [-h] [-d] lvm_file label config_yaml
: FITS file in LVM formatlabel
: Label for the current runconfig_yaml
: Configuration file for fitting parameters
lvm-dap-gen-out-mod [-h] [-d] [-output_path OUTPUT_PATH] [--plot PLOT] [--flux-scale min max] lvm_file DAP_table_in label config_yaml
: Input LVM spectrum that was fittedDAP_table_in
: DAP file generated by the LVM-DAP fittinglabel
: Label for the output file (e.g., LABEL.output.fits.gz)config_yaml
: Configuration file with fitting parameters
-d, --debug
: Enable debugging mode (default: False)-output_path OUTPUT_PATH
: Directory to store the results--plot PLOT
: Whether to plot (1) or not (0, default). If 2, saves a plot without displaying on screen--flux-scale min max
: Scale of the flux in the input spectrum
lvm-dap-sim [-h] [-n_sim n_sim] [-n_st n_st] [-f_st f_scale_st] [-f_el f_scale_el] [-dap_fwhm dap_fwhm] [-d] lvm_file label config_yaml
: Input LVM spectrum for the simulationlabel
: Label for the current runconfig_yaml
: Configuration file with fitting parameters
-h, --help
: Show help message and exit-n_sim n_sim
: Number of simulated spectra (default: 10)-n_st n_st
: Number of stars included in the model (default: 10)-f_st f_scale_st
: Scaling factor applied to stellar population spectra (~S/N level, default: 1.0)-f_el f_scale_el
: Scaling factor applied to emission lines relative to reference (default: 1.0)-dap_fwhm dap_fwhm
: Scaling factor applied to DAP non-parametric dispersion for emission lines (default: 2.354)-d, --debug
: Enable debugging mode (default: False)
is now deprecated. Users are encouraged to use lvm-dap-conf
, lvm-dap-gen-out-mod
, or lvm-dap-sim
lvm-dap [-h] [--config-file CONFIG_FILE] spectrum-file rsp-file sigma-inst label
: Input spectrum to fitrsp-file
: The resolved stellar population basissigma-inst
: The resolution downgrade parameterlabel
: Label for the run
- If you encounter installation issues, check numpy version compatibility.
- Ensure pyPipe3D is installed before LVM-DAP.
- For support, refer to the official repository.
- SDSS-V Local Volume Mapper: LVM Project
- pyPipe3D Documentation