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Sean Akahane-Bryen edited this page Jul 27, 2020 · 4 revisions

Insert wikilink


Inserts a [[wikilink]] to a note identified using a list search.

Given a target note 202007271447 Note Title.txt, it will output: [[202007271447 Note Title]]

With thanks to forum users kaidoh and Will for their macros, and Stéphane Chazelas for this StackExchange answer.

Invoked Shell Script

Compile a list of all notes:

#!/usr/bin/env zsh -f

cd "$KMVAR_Instance_Notes_Directory"
print -rC1 -- **/*(N-om:t:r)


Version Date Changes
1.01 2020-07-26 List all notes recursively
1.00 2020-07-26 Initial commit
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